In this VR project, I lead a team to make a rhythm game.
We had two main goals: first, to learn how to use virtual reality in Unreal Engine, and second, to work together effectively as a team.
I had a personal goal of learning how to lead a team.
I was the Tech Lead in our project.
I made plans and made sure everything stayed on track.
I also made it possible for players to score points by hitting the Drones, which was pretty cool.
Doing both of these things helped our team work together better and get things done.
I made a function where I compare the drone's location along the spline component to the players location along the spline component.
If you hit the drone in a certain margin the function chooses which type of hit you hit.
I made a function where you display the correct amount of points and add them to the point total.
This project was a valuable learning experience for me. I gained proficiency in working with Unreal Engine and developed a deeper understanding of leadership roles and responsibilities.